Monday, 13 January 2025
New & Current Projects Software

SAE J1939 Simulator & Data Monitoring Software – Added Features

SAE J1939 ECU Simulator Board With USB PortWe have worked hard to make our jCOM1939 Monitor Software the perfect tool to monitor, analyze, and simulate SAE J1939 data traffic. The system combines our jCOM.J1939.USB that functions as an SAE J1939 to USB (or UART) gateway. A comprehensive and easy-to-use, easy-to-understand Windows software displays not only SAE J1939 data traffic; it also allows to scan the network, simulate an ECU (incl. full node address negotiation features), and respond to data request messages.

  • ECU Simulation Setup (Preferred Node Address, Negotiable Address Range, NAME, and more)
  • Filter J1939 PGNs for Display
  • Design J1939 PGNs for Transmission (Data and Request Messages)
  • Design J1939 PGNs for Request Responses
  • Scan a J1939 Network (Number of Nodes, Node IDs, NAMEs)
  • Check Gateway Status (Error Messages, Software/Hardware Version)
  • Set Gateway Parameters (Heartbeat Frequency, Message Acknowledgment)
  • Free Updates

So What’s New?

We have just released version 2.00.01 which allows to store/load application setups to/from a file. In addition, you can initiate a firmware update of our jCOM.J1939.USB gateway with the intention of keeping the user up-to-date with new features and performance improvements.

Even more exciting are the features we are planning for the next few months to come. The first step is an overhaul of the data display area, i.e. the display of received and transmitted PGNs and their data.

jCOM1939 Monitor Software - Data Display

The data display is currently managed by the standard Microsoft ListView control as it comes with the Visual Studio development environment. The control is effective for static data display but has it shortcomings when it comes to showing rapid data flow. The side effect is a flickering of the screen and even program hang-ups on older Windows machines (Yes, some people still use, for instance, Windows-XP).

Next, we will add a new column in the data display to accommodate a time stamp. This feature will also require an updated gateway firmware, which is also the reason to implement a firmware update feature before jumping to new functions.

The usage of time stamps also leads to the next logical step, the implementation of recording and re-playing data traffic. Imagine recording SAE J1939 data traffic from a real vehicle and storing it in an MS-Excel-compatible file, not only for further analysis but also to replay the data flow through our software.

Last, but not least, we will include a J1939 PGN database with the program, meaning any received or transmitted PGN will be displayed with a description according to SAE J1939/71. Also included will the associated SPNs and an explanation of the data structure.

For further information or suggestions, please fee free to contact us through this website.